
Soal Ulangan SMP Kelas 8 Semester I Terbaru

Name : ..............................................
Class :  ..............................................
A.    Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c or d !

      1.      I going to school everyday.
a.       gone.
b.      Will going.
c.       go.
d.      Have gone
      2.      Dina work as an engginer in some of best company.
a.       Working  
b.      Worker .
c.       Worked
d.      Works 
      3.      Rika sings a song in the morning and i playing football
a.       Sings, play
b.      Sing, plays
c.       All answer is true.
d.      Singing, playing.
      4.      Jhon are the one of the soldier of America.
a.       Am
b.      Is.
c.       The answer is true.
d.      Was.
      5.      They is a clever bou in my class, so i want to learn more to them.
a.       Are
b.      Am
c.       It
d.      Can
      6.      Nita     : What is Winda doing ?
       Rahmi : She (cooking) fried chicken.
a.       She is cooking fried chicken.
b.      She is cook fried chicken.
c.       She cook fried chicken.
d.      She is cooked fried chicken.

B.     Text is for number 7 to 9
Mr. Adam is an English teacher, he is American but he lives in Indonesia, in Singaparna, Tasikmalaya.
Everyday he always come to the junior high school to transfering education. Every students like him, because he is very kinds and humorous man and also clever teacher. Every students happy when study with him. He is the one of favourite teacher in their school because he is interesting man.
7.      Who is Mr. Adam ?
a.       He is bad teacher
b.      He is a doctor.
c.       He is a interesting teacher.
d.      He is a mathemathic teacher.
8.      Why students likes Mr. Adam ?
a.       Because he is very kinds
b.      He is a favourite teacher
c.       Mr. Adam is indonesian people
d.      He is a handsome teacher.
9.      He is the one of favourite teacher. The synonym of the underline word is?
a.       Idol
b.      Lord
c.       Gain favour
d.      Brave
C.    Give the example sentences of Simple present tense from the text above!
             10.  a. .........................................................
             b. ...................................................... ..
             c. .........................................................
            e. ......................................................

            D.    Answer the question correctly!
1.      ( + ) Susanto is clever boy and mita is a beautiful girl in my class.         
( ? )  .............................................................................................................. ?
2.      ( + )  .............................................................................................................
( - )  The school of my country is not one of the best school in the world
( ? )  .............................................................................................................. ?
3.      ( + ) ..............................................................................................................
( - )  Jonathan is not one of the most popular actrees.
( ? ) ............................................................................................................... ?
4.      ( + ) ..............................................................................................................
( - )  ..............................................................................................................
( ? )  Caroline is one of the Doctor in my town.
5.      ( + ) ..............................................................................................................
( - )  ..............................................................................................................
( ? )  is she a head of bussines man association in my country?

           E.     Changes into the simple Present Continuous Tense!
6.       Ir. Soekarno and friends are struggle the independent Indonesia.
Answer : .......................................................................................................
7.      David Beckham play football in the court.
Answer : .......................................................................................................
8.      They want me understand about english language very well.
Answer : .......................................................................................................
9.      I can fly as high as you can.
Answer : .......................................................................................................
10.  Caroline will so happy if you can give her much money.
Answer : .......................................................................................................

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