
Contoh Lesson Plan Full English


School                         : SMAN 1
Class / Semester         : XI / II
Program`                    : Social Science
Subject                       : English
Skill                             : Reading
Topic                          : Narrative
Time Allotment          : 2 x 40 minutes

I.       Standard Competency
Reading: Understanding the meaning of short functional text and simple essay in reports, narrative, and analytical exposition in daily life context and to get an access of knowledge.

II.    Basic Competency
Responding the meaning and rhetoric steps in essay using various of written languages accurately, fluently and accepted in daily life context and to get access the knowledge in the form of report, narrative and analytical exposition.

III. Indicators
Indicator of Achieving Competence
Culture Value and Nation Character
a.       Identifying word meaning of the narrative text
b.      Identifying the certain information of the narrative text
c.       Identifying rhetoric steps of the narrative text
Religious, tolerance, creative, curious, self-supporting, communicative, responsibility.

IV.             Aims of Learning
In the end of study, students are able to:
a.       Identify word meaning of the narrative text
b.      Identify the certain information of the narrative text
c.       Identify rhetoric steps of the narrative text

V.                Teaching Method
Method that is used: Teacher Reading Guide  
Strategy that is used : Think Aloud Strategy.

VI.             Learning Material
Narrative text
Kinds of Narrative:
-          Romance
-          Adventure
-          Folklore : Fable, myth, story
-          Fairy tale
-          Science fiction
-          Fantasy
-          Mystery
Social function       :    To amuse or entertain, to deal with actual/imaginative experiences in different ways
Generic structure   :
-          Orientation
-          Evaluation
-          Complication
-          Resolution

Language features :    - A narrative focuses on specific participants.
-   There are many action verbs, verbal and mental processes
-   It usually uses Past Tense
-   The use of direct and indirect speech in form of dialogues
-   Descriptive language is used to create listener’s or reader’s imagination
-   Use temporal conjunction and temporal circumstances,
The example of narrative text: 
A Lesson for the Tiger
A Long time ago, all animals had a king. Their king was the tiger. All animals were afraid of him. The tiger was the strongest among them. He was also very mean. He would hit any animals when they disobeyed him. They wanted to give the tiger a lesson.
"Listen friends, we need to find a way. The tiger is also cruel especially to weak animals like me," said the rabbit. "I have an idea," said the mouse deer. "He is not clever as he looks. I think I can trick him," said the mouse deer. "How will you trick him?" asked the rabbit. "It's easy. You meet the tiger and tell him that I challenge him to fight." What? Are you kidding? You cannot win!" said the rabbit. "Don't worry, i'm not really challenging him to fight. It's all part of the plan."
The mouse deer continued. "You just tell him that I challenge him to fight under that big tree," the mouse deer pointed to a big tree near them. Later the rabbit met the tiger and he told the tiger about the challenge. What!? Is it true?! OK, tell the mouse deer I accept his challenge. I will beat him so easily," said the tiger. He was so arrogant.
The tiger went to the big tree. He saw the mouse deer staring at the branches of the tree. "Hey mouse deer! I heard you challenge me to fight. Come, fight now! screamed the tiger. However, the mouse deer did not move at all. He kept on staring on the branches of the tree. "Mouse deer! Are you deaf?" the tiger was really angry.
"Shh... Be quiet," said the mouse deer. "What? You asked me to be quiet." The tiger really don't understand. "Yes. Do you see that big round thing in that branch? last night I had a dream. An owl told me that the big round thing above us can give me power."
He continued. "The problem is i cannot jump or climb to grab that thing."
"Really? Are you sure?" asked the tiger. "Well, I am the king and I deserve that power. So I want you to get out of here otherwise I will hit you," said the tiger.
The mouse deer pretended to be scared. He immediately ran away. Meanwhile, the tiger climbed the tree. He was trying to grab the round thing in the branch of the tree.
The tiger did not know that the round thing was actually the beehive! And when he was finally able to grab the beehive, he fell down to the ground.
All the bees were angry. They all attacked and stung the tiger. The bees were angry because the tiger had already destroyed their home.
The tiger was in a great pain. He could not fight the bees. He asked for help, unfortunately, the animals did not want to help him.
The tiger finally went to the river. He swam and he survived. He realized the mistake. Since then he changed, he became a wise king.

VII.          Learning Activity
Learning activity
Character Building
a.      Pre-activity
(10 minutes)
·      The teacher greets the students
·      The teacher checks attendance list
·      The teacher asks the previous materials and check students homework
·      The teacher prepares the students’ physically and psychology to follow the teaching learning process
·      The teacher gives motivation to students.
Religious, honest, discipline, communicative, creative, and independent.
b.      Main activity
(60 minutes)
· Exploration steps :
·      The students study and read the narrative  text
·      The teacher asks the students about the text
·      The teacher responds to the students’ answer
Communicative, independent, discipline, creative, hard work, curious, honesty, friendship.
· Elaboration steps :

·      The teacher explains about narrative text
·      The students do the tasks from the teacher
·      The teacher asks the students to collect the task
·    Confirmation steps:
·         The teacher gives the confirmation about the result of exploration and elaboration of the students
c.       Post-activity
(10 minutes)

·           The teacher together with students make a conclusion about the material.
·           The teacher makes a reflection about the teaching learning process consistently.
·           The teacher gives homework.
·           The teacher informs about the material in the next meeting.
Communicative, honesty, responsible.

VIII.       Sources and Media
·         Internet
·         Story of narrative text

IX.             Assessment
1.        Test type                      : Written test
2.        Scoring guidance         :
Test Type
Multiple choice
True false questions
Total Score

Scoring for the students          : Total Score x 100  =100

The Principle, 

Drs. No Name, M.Pd.
NIP. 196205071989031004

Researcher ,

the Researcher
                  NPM. 102122142


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