
Evaluations In EFL

Evaluation is an integral part of the whole curriculum system :  
1.Need Analysis
2.Goal Setting
3.Syllabus Design
4.Materials Development
5.Teaching Methodology

Definition :
•Evaluation is the systematic process of collecting,analyzing, and interpreting information to determine the extent to which pupil are achieving instructional objectives (Norman E. Gronlund, p. 5)
•Second language evaluation is primarily about decision making. The overall purpose of second language evaluation is to make sound choices that will improve second language teaching and enhance second language learning. Such decisions are based on informed judgment. They require the careful collection of relevant data and a thoughtful interpretation of that information (Fred Genesee and John A. Upshur, p. 5 ) 
•A global view of achievement of the teaching and learning process over a period of time, e.g. analysis of the success or failure of a teaching approach, course book, pupil response, motivation,etc. (David Vale and Anne Feunteun, p. 227 

Why to evaluate ?
•Placement, determining pupil performance at  the beginning of instruction
•Formative, monitoring learning progress during instruction
•Diagnostic, diagnosing learning difficulties during instruction
•Summative, evaluating achievement at the end of instruction
•(Norman E. Gronlund, p. 11)

How to evaluate ?
•Continuously done throughout the teaching and learning process 
•Covering cognitive, psychomotoric, and affective domains 
 Aspect to consider ?
•Children’s psychology (not threatening, not competitives 
• Focusing on what children can do, not what children cannot do

criterion of evaluation EFYL
Washback validity, what children do during the test should not be different
from what they do during the teaching process.

Tendencies of evaluation of EFYL in Indonesia

•Testing language elements not  communicative competence
•Summative test
•Quantitative result in the form marks that do not give the complete picture of the children’ performance à not accountable enough to monitor the effectiveness of the instruction
•Ignoring the learning process that a child has undergone
•Evaluation is an end, not a means to improve learning process.

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